Financial plan template
Template for a business to create a financial plan -
Royalty revenue estimate forms
The obligation to lodge royalty estimates can only be triggered by service of an estimate notice. These are sent twice a year via email. -
Queensland Shark Control Program
Publications relating to the Queensland Shark Control Program -
Liquor and gaming guidelines
Guidelines developed by the Commissioner for Liquor and Gaming to help with liquor and gaming licence applications and compliance responsibilities. -
ICT Services Panel (ICTSS13.03)
The ICT services panel is a whole-of-government arrangement that provides agencies with a simple and quick way to purchase high quality ICT services from a panel of prequalified... -
QCOM 3 Interface Specification
If you would like to receive email notifications of updates to this document set and other OLGR technical guidelines, please contact the publication set custodian via the link... -
Queensland mines and quarries safety performance and health reports - DNRME
This annual publication reports on the safety and health performance of the Queensland mining industry. The report is based on data collected from the Queensland mining industry...