Decentralised draw systems (DDS)
The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) Queensland has developed the concept of a decentralised draw system (DDS). The DDS concept is based on having multiple draw... -
Sugarcane economics - weed, pest and disease management
This collection is one of several relating to the economics of sugarcane production. -
Sugarcane economics - natural systems management
This collection is one of several relating to the economics of sugarcane production. -
Sugarcane economics - farm business management
This collection is one of several relating to the economics of sugarcane production. -
Sugarcane economics - planting and harvesting
This collection is one of several relating to the economics of sugarcane production. -
Sugarcane economics - irrigation and drainage management
This collection is one of several relating to the economics of sugarcane production. -
Sugarcane economics - soil health and nutrient management
This collection is one of several relating to the economics of sugarcane production. -
Payroll tax user guide
Learn how to lodge payroll tax returns using QRO Online. -
Queensland Fisheries Harvest Strategy
The guidelines and policy guides development and implementation of the harvest strategies for Queensland fisheries. -
Form P12—Final return / Notification of designated group employer
Complete this form within 21 days of a change of status and (if applicable) nominate a designated group employer for payroll tax. Designated group employers might also have to... -
Form P10—Application for payroll tax registration / Notification of...
Complete this form to register with Queensland Revenue Office as an employer and to nominate a member of a group as the designated group employer for payroll tax purposes. -
Form BT2—Betting tax monthly return
Complete this form to lodge a return for betting tax to report your monthly taxable wagering revenue. -
Form BT4—Betting tax final return
Complete this form to report a betting operator's change of status for betting tax during a financial year. -
Casino Dice Minimum Requirements
Minimum technical requirements for casino dice -
Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2024 resources for gaming licensees
Download resources to promote Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2024 events or activities in your venue. Search our other licensed premises signs and material. -
Form BT3—Betting tax annual return
Complete this form to lodge a return for betting tax to report your annual taxable wagering revenue. -
Form P11—Annual return / Notification of designated group employer
Complete this form for taxable wages paid or payable by the employer for the year, excluding any taxable wages already included in a final return. -
Resource Allocation Authorities for fisheries development
Forms and guidelines for Resource Allocation Authorites (RAA) for aquaculture and declared fish habitat areas. -
Random number generators minimum technical requirements
Read this document to understand the minimum technical requirements for random number generators (RNGs) used in gaming-related equipment and systems. -
Cash redemption terminal minimum technical requirements
A cash redemption terminal is a terminal used to redeem Ticket-In Ticket-Out tickets for cash and/or top up or cash out card based gaming accounts. The purpose of this document...