Gold Coast Health Midwifery Student Clinical Placement
Gold Coast Health offers various opportunities for MIDWIFERY students from tertiary and vocational education providers to take part in clinical placements, with support from... -
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Charters
A collection of Charters for the GCHHS Board -
Pressure injury prevention
A pressure injury is also known as a pressure ulcer, pressure sore or bed sore. -
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Disclosure Log
A disclosure log makes information disclosed to an applicant under the Right to Information Act 2009 (the RTI Act) available to the public. -
Gold Coast Health Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Action Plans 2023 -2025
This Diversity and Inclusion Strategy articulates our commitment to respecting the difference between individuals, embracing diversity, and building capability for excellence in... -
A vision and 10-year strategy for health in Queensland
My health, Queensland's future: Advancing health 2026 (Advancing health 2026) describes a vision and 10-year strategy for Queensland's entire health system. -
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Board Supporting Documents
There is no description for this dataset
Open data strategy—Health
Open data strategy for Queensland Health, detailing how the department will support the Open Data initiative. -
Translated tuberculosis factsheet
Translated factsheet about tuberculosis in Arabic, Burmese, Traditional Chinese, Dari, Farsi, Indonesian, Korean, Russian, Thai, Tok Pisin, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. -
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Annual Report 2021-2022
Annual Report of the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service providing information about our performance in 2021-2022. -
Falls injury prevention
Falls have a big impact on mobility and independence, but there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk. -
Gold Coast Health Nursing Student Placement Pre-Brief Booklet
This booklet has been created to provide nursing students with relevant information in preparation for the first day of their clinical placement with Gold Coast Health. -
Oral health reports
Research, reports and surveys about oral health in Queensland. -
Smoke-free Schools resources
Posters, factsheets, and promotional material for Queensland state and non-state schools about the changes to tobacco legislation from 1 January 2015. -
Annual report—Metro North Hospital and Health Service
The Metro North Hospital and Health Service Annual Report provides an overview of the health service's financial and non-financial performance and key achievements. -
Flu campaign materials
A set of posters for the flu prevention campaign from Queensland Health. More resources. -
Smoke-free Healthcare resources
Posters, factsheets, and promotional material for public and private healthcare facilities about the changes to tobacco legislation from 1 January 2015. -
2011-12 Annual report—Department of Health
The Department of Health Annual Report 2011–12 provides an overview of the department's financial and non-financial performance and key achievements. -
Annual report—South West Hospital and Health Service
Annual Report of the South West Hospital and Health Service providing information about our performance in 2012-2013. -
Health services planning: guidelines and strategies
Health service planning aims to improve health service delivery and/or system performance to better meet the health need of a population.