Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF)—Successful applicants
See the list of successful applicants for the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) from previous funding rounds. Find out more about the GCBF on our website. -
Safe and Diverse Communities grant program
The Safe and Diverse Communities grant program (the grant program) supports targeted, community-led projects to increase the capability of culturally and linguistically diverse... -
Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF)—Audit statement
Complete this form and include it with your invoices, receipts and income and expenditure statement when satisfying acquittal requirements for Gambling Community Benefit Fund... -
Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF)—Bank verification form
This form is required by community organisations who are applying for grant funds from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. This form is to ensure successful organisations... -
Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF)—Recipient media pack
Read this information pack for advice on how to promote your organisation and the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) grant you received, including tips on how to promote... -
Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF)—Acquittal pack
Complete and submit the forms in this pack to acquit your Gambling Community Benefit Fund super round grant. As a grant recipient, you need to demonstrate that the funding was... -
Sexual Violence Prevention Grants Program - 2020 successful applicants
The Sexual Violence Prevention Grants Program supported community groups and organisations in 2020 to undertake projects to help Queenslanders to continue the conversation about...