Hardship partners (SPER)
Read the hardship partner fact sheet and participant pack, and complete the application form to join the SPER hardship program. These resources are for SPER hardship partners.... -
Financial disclosure application (SPER)
Complete this form to declare your financial situation to support a request to pay your SPER debt by instalments. -
Custodial instalment plan (SPER)
Learn about custodial instalment plans and how they allow a person serving time in a correctional facility to pay unpaid fines or orders. -
Authority to act (SPER)
Complete this form to authorise someone to act on your behalf. -
Direct debit request form (SPER)
Complete this form to request a direct debit arrangement with SPER to pay fines or orders. -
Instalment plans fact sheet (SPER)
Learn about how an instalment plan combines all your outstanding fines/orders into a single payment arrangement. This is different to a voluntary instalment plan. -
Your options with SPER fact sheet
Learn about the options you have when you get an infringement notice fine. -
Queensland Police Service information request (SPER)
The Queensland Police Service will complete this form to request personal information held with SPER. -
Voluntary instalment plans fact sheet (SPER)
Learn about how to pay a fine in instalments after making an upfront payment. This is different to an instalment plan. -
Application for an instalment plan (SPER)
Complete this form to request that fines/orders be paid in regular part-payments over a set period of time. Download the PDF or find out how to apply online. -
Electronic funds transfer (EFT) request forms—SPER
Forms to request for a payment to be made to you by EFT. -
Fine collection notice guide for employers (SPER)
This guide contains all the information employers need to handle fine collection notices for the redirection of earnings to SPER. -
Withdrawal of fines—Domestic and family violence (SPER)
Apply for the withdrawal of fines relating to camera-detected or tolling offences (in cases where an applicant is not responsible due to DFV). -
Fine collection notice guide for financial institutions (SPER)
Read the guide and see the forms related to fine collection notices for the redirection of debts or regular deposits by financial institutions to SPER.