Queensland violence against women prevention plan 2016-22 progress report

URL: https://www.publications.qld.gov.au/dataset/2549009d-5039-4713-8a39-853002e762fb/resource/a06ad082-fbbf-49a1-a892-100e6c5bf644/download/vawpp-progress-report.pdf

The Queensland violence against women prevention plan 2016–22 set out actions under 3 outcomes — Respect, Safety, and Justice — to address all forms of violence against women. We have completed 23 of the 26 actions in the plan, or embedded them into business as usual activities. Three actions will continue to be progressed as we implement Prevent. Support. Believe. Queensland’s framework to address sexual violence.

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Data last updated 24 September 2021
Metadata last updated 24 September 2021
Created 24 September 2021
Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
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Package id2549009d-5039-4713-8a39-853002e762fb
Size226.9 KiB
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