Superseded public rulings—royalties
Superseded public rulings relating to the Mineral Recourses Act 1989 and the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 Read the superseded royalty rulings for return... -
Quarterly and annual metal prices and variable rates
View the royalty rates that apply to base and precious metals for each return period. -
Petroleum benchmark prices
View the royalty benchmark prices for domestic gas, supply gas, project gas and liquid petroleum for each return period. -
Royalty revenue estimate forms
The obligation to lodge royalty estimates can only be triggered by service of an estimate notice. These are sent twice a year via email. -
Mineral royalty annual package
Contains the return form, rates and a fact sheet to help you complete your annual mineral royalty return -
Payroll tax user guide
Learn how to lodge payroll tax returns using QRO Online. -
Form P12—Final return / Notification of designated group employer
Complete this form within 21 days of a change of status and (if applicable) nominate a designated group employer for payroll tax. Designated group employers might also have to... -
Form P10—Application for payroll tax registration / Notification of...
Complete this form to register with Queensland Revenue Office as an employer and to nominate a member of a group as the designated group employer for payroll tax purposes. -
Form BT2—Betting tax monthly return
Complete this form to lodge a return for betting tax to report your monthly taxable wagering revenue. -
Form BT4—Betting tax final return
Complete this form to report a betting operator's change of status for betting tax during a financial year. -
Form BT3—Betting tax annual return
Complete this form to lodge a return for betting tax to report your annual taxable wagering revenue. -
Form P11—Annual return / Notification of designated group employer
Complete this form for taxable wages paid or payable by the employer for the year, excluding any taxable wages already included in a final return. -
Superseded royalty rulings
Superseded royalty rulings relating to the Mineral Resources Act 1989 and the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 for royalty return periods ending before 1... -
Form D10.3—Notice for reassessment—Corporate reconstruction exemption
Complete this form if you are a company that has received a corporate reconstruction exemption under the Duties Act for a dutiable transaction or a relevant acquisition, but you... -
QRO direct debit request form
Complete this form to request a direct debit arrangement with Queensland Revenue Office. -
Form D2.2—Dutiable transaction statement
Complete this form for every dutiable transaction, unless a transfer duty concession form, a corporate trustee duty form or a landholder duty form has been completed. -
Petroleum royalty returns
Complete a royalty return if you are a petroleum producer. -
Form PT1—Application for exclusion from grouping
Complete this form to apply for a grouping exclusion, if your business is carried on independently of other members of a group. -
Form P9—Employment agency contracts—declaration by exempt client
Complete this form if you are a client of an employment agent and are exempt from paying payroll tax. -
Form P8—Notification of designated group employer
Complete this form if a group of employers wishes to designate one of its members to be the DGE (designated group employer).