Form P11—Annual return / Notification of designated group employer
Complete this form for taxable wages paid or payable by the employer for the year, excluding any taxable wages already included in a final return. -
Random number generators minimum technical requirements
Read this document to understand the minimum technical requirements for random number generators (RNGs) used in gaming-related equipment and systems. -
Cash redemption terminal minimum technical requirements
A cash redemption terminal is a terminal used to redeem Ticket-In Ticket-Out tickets for cash and/or top up or cash out card based gaming accounts. The purpose of this document... -
Card-Based Gaming Minimum Technical Requirements
Guidelines for the functionality of card-based machine gaming. -
QCOM 3 Monitoring System Requirements
QCOM 3 specific requirements for gaming machine monitoring systems. -
Submission requirements (gaming)
Read the requirements for gaming-related equipment submissions made under various Queensland gaming legislation. -
Responsible service of gambling training resources
Use these resources when training your staff in responsible service of gambling at your licensed gaming venue. There are signs to print for back-of-house areas and discussion... -
Responsible gambling information
Information and advice about responsible gambling for players of electronic gaming machines. -
Exclusion compliance signage for gambling providers
Download, print and display these gambling exclusion compliance signs at your licensed premises. See our other licensed premises signs and material. -
Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring...
Read the tabled papers for the evaluation of the Queensland Government's Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence policy, including the final report and appendices and the government's... -
Liquor and gaming guidelines
Guidelines developed by the Commissioner for Liquor and Gaming to help with liquor and gaming licence applications and compliance responsibilities. -
Superseded royalty rulings
Superseded royalty rulings relating to the Mineral Resources Act 1989 and the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 for royalty return periods ending before 1... -
Aquaculture industry performance annual reports
A key measure of aquaculture industry development is benchmarking the annual performance of each sector against previous years. Summary reports – including production volume,... -
Queensland Biotechnology Code of Ethics
The [Queensland Biotechnology Code of Ethics]... -
Temperature monitoring technologies
Comparison of available monitoring technologies for monitoring temperature in export fruit and vegetable consignments -
Annual reports of the mining safety and health advisory committees
Annual report on the activities of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee, and the Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee -
Move live aquatic animals in Queensland
Form and processes to allow the translocation of live aquatic animals into and within Queensland. -
Commercial fisheries reporting
Fact sheets and quick guides about reporting requirements for Queensland commercial fisheries. -
Jackpot Systems Minimum Technical Requirements (Casinos)
This document describes the principles and technical requirements pertaining to Jackpot Systems and Jackpot Display Systems for Queensland casinos -
Aquaculture Development Areas in Queensland
GIS maps identifying land-based, marine Aquaculture Development Areas in Queensland