Form R01.5—Monthly payment statement—minerals
Complete this form for each mineral operation, for each of the first and second monthly payments for a particular quarter. -
Criteria and framework for approved evaluators
Understand the criteria for determining the suitability of entities for being listed as approved evaluators of gaming equipment in Regulation. It also outlines the framework for... -
QCOM v1 EGM Communications Interface and LAN Requirements (Clubs and Hotels)
Minimum Requirements for QCOM v1 Gaming machine Communications Interface and LAN (Clubs and Hotels) -
Innovation Journey
Find out more about innovation funding and support available through the Australian and Queensland governments to help you develop your innovation and grow your business. -
Drones in Tourism
The Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games (DITID) commissioned the University of Queensland Business School’s TOUR 7040 Work... -
Biosecurity planning
Advice for producers to help with their farm biosecurity planning activities. -
Queensland mines and quarries safety performance and health reports - DNRME
This annual publication reports on the safety and health performance of the Queensland mining industry. The report is based on data collected from the Queensland mining industry... -
Biodiscovery plan guidelines and template
Guidelines for preparing a biodiscovery plan and a biodiscovery plan template. -
Letter of consent for on-farm quarantine option for workers in Queensland
If you are not the owner/occupier of the proposed on-farm quarantine accommodation site or workplace, you will be required to also provide a letter of consent from the owner. -
Queensland Agricultural Land Audit
The Land Audit identifies land important to current and future agricultural production and has a wide range of purposes and applications. -
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Annual Report 2017-2018
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training's Annual Report outlines the financial and corporate performance of the department for 2017-18. -
QCOM Site Controller Operating Procedures
This document defines the operating procedures of a local area licensed gaming venue’s “Site Controller” (SC) with respect to Gaming Machines operating on the OLGR QCOM protocol... -
Investment outlook for the Queensland beef supply chain – Japanese translations
Investor’s Guide and series of four summary reports commissioned by the Queensland Government to support investment in the beef industry -
Late Payment Policy
Full details of the Queensland Government – Late Payment Policy. -
Electronic Seal Minimum Requirements
Electronic Seal Minimum Requirements for gaming equipment -
Gaming Venue Electronic Meter Access (Gaming Machines)
Requirements facilitating gaming venue access to gaming machine meters -
Form R01.6—Mineral royalty return
Complete this form to submit a royalty return if you are a mining tenure holder. -
Termites in Queensland
Information about drywood termites and subterranean termites, how they infest buildings and some baiting systems. -
Form R04.2—Add or edit a royalty user for QRO Online
Complete this form to add, edit or remove royalty users for QRO Online. -
Hashing algorithms
Read this list of acceptable hashing algorithms for use with certain OLGR technical requirements documents.