RBDM Qld Family history bulletin
The newsletter is written and produced by the Queensland’s Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (RBDM). It is distributed in an electronic format to a list of registered... -
Planning your wedding at the Brisbane registry
Information couples need to know when planning a wedding at the Brisbane registry. You will need to request an interview appointment at https://www.qld.gov.au/law/births-deaths-... -
RBDM Qld Withdraw an application to end a civil partnership
Documents concerning the withdrawal of an application to register a civil partnership. -
RBDM Qld Written notice setting out the legal effect of a civil partnership
Document concerning the legal affect for a couple wishing to enter into a civil partnership in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld Declaration of civil partnership
Document for the use of registered civil partnership notaries to notify the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriage that they have conducted a declaration ceremony in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld End a civil partnership application form
Documents concerning an application to end a registered civil partnership in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld Notice of intention to enter into a civil partnership
Document concerning the notice of intention to enter into a civil partnership with a ceremony in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld Civil partnership notary
Documents about the responsibilities to advise and officiate over the legal aspects of a civil partnership declaration ceremony in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld Withdraw an application to register a civil partnership
Document concerning the withdrawal of an application to register a civil partnership in Queensland -
RBDM Qld Application to register a civil partnership and order a certificate
Document concerning the application to register a civil partnership in Queensland without a ceremony. -
RBDM Qld Registry Connect - Marriage celebrants
RBDM's Registry Connect bulletin is a free newsletter designed to keep marriage celebrant's informed regarding marriages in Queensland. Subscribe at... -
RBDM Qld Registry celebrant handbook
Document about the responsibilities for government appointed celebrants to advise and officiate over the legal aspects of a marriage ceremony in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld Application to add details of parentage after registration of birth
Documents concerning an application to add details of parentage after a registration of birth -
RBDM Quality declarations
The following documents present information about the quality of the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages life event registration data collections. Quality is a... -
RBDM Qld Notice of intended marriage
Documents concerning the application for a notice for intended marriage.