Practice directions - BCCM
Practice directions provide information on the procedures and content for dispute resolution applications lodged with the Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and... -
OFT consumers' helpful resources
Want some help with being a smart consumer? These resources can help you. -
Gaming licensing and compliance forms
Explore this list of application and compliance forms for Queensland gaming licences. DO NOT EMAIL or FAX credit card details to OLGR. Your payment will not be accepted. Please... -
JP and Cdec revocations 2024
Lists of revoked JPs and Cdecs for the year 2024. -
RBDM Qld Policies
The purpose of these policies is to outline the processes, and legislative and policy considerations made by the Registrar. -
Gambling harm minimisation materials
Download these gambling harm minimisation materials to distribute to your networks and display at your licenced premises. See our other licensed premises signs and material. You... -
Register your bub—Our Kids Count
Our Kids Count is the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages’ campaign to increase birth registrations in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Our Kids Count is... -
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
Domestic, family and sexual violence is never okay. You can help prevent violence against women. Find out how you can make a difference at www.qld.gov.au/needtoknow. -
RBDM Qld Replacement recognised details certificate application
Apply for a replacement recognised details certificate after you have had your identified sex recognised in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld No record of marriage in Queensland application
Documents concerning the search for a no record of marriage in Queensland. To fill in an application form online visit https://www.qld.gov.au/law/births-deaths-marriages-and-... -
Human Rights Week 2024 resources
Use these resources to raise awareness of Human Rights Week 2024 in the public sector. -
Obtaining documents for use in court proceedings
If you are a party to Court proceedings and you wish to obtain records held by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (the Department) for use in evidence in those... -
Women's Safety and Justice Taskforce
The Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce was established as an independent, consultative taskforce by the Queensland Government to examine: coercive control and review the need... -
Dispute resolution training for businesses
The Dispute Resolution Branch provides tailored dispute resolution training for your business. Use this enquiry form to request a quote. -
RBDM Proof of ID
List of identification required when applying to the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages in Queensland. -
OFT Buy Smart Competition entry documents
The Buy Smart Competition is a great way for school students to become smarter consumers. Find the entry kit and other helpful tools. -
Department of Justice organisational structure
View the organisational structure for the Department of Justice. Find out more about the department by visiting our website. -
Blue Card Services compliance information and resources
This data set includes information and resources to assist organisations to develop and implement child and youth risk management strategies under the blue card system. Read... -
Notices of changes to gaming rules
Read notices of new and amended gaming rules. Past notices (before September 2022) can be found in the Queensland Government Gazette. Read the gaming rules. -
Gaming rules
The rules for players—that explain the rights and obligations of both the player and licensed gaming operator—are known as ‘gaming rules’. These rules are lawful, binding and...