Drawing Addendum (Milestone report 4) - Draft final

URL: https://www.publications.qld.gov.au/dataset/7761ae95-ea44-4c0d-a3ea-53448c0d89f7/resource/10c4b94b-5dbe-474b-8bc4-223bce4e51d0/download/r.b20702.004.04.mr4.fast-model-results_drawings_draftfinal.pdf

The purpose of this report is to provide details on the: -Simulation and checking of 11,3402 Monte Carlo events provided by the Hydrologic Assessment through the Fast Model; -Undertaking of a level frequency analysis at 28 Reporting Locations to estimate the flood levels for a range of Annual Exceedance Probabilities (AEP) varying from the 1 in 2 (50%) to 1 in 100,000 (0.001%); -Selection of groups of Monte Carlo events for each AEP (AEP ensembles) that when combined are representative of the AEP levels at the Reporting Locations. These AEP Ensembles are to be used in the Detailed Model for simulating the AEP design floods and producing flood maps.

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Data last updated 13 December 2023
Metadata last updated 13 December 2023
Created 26 April 2017
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Package id7761ae95-ea44-4c0d-a3ea-53448c0d89f7
Size14.5 MiB
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