Understanding the economics of improved management practices and systems on sugarcane farms

URL: https://www.publications.qld.gov.au/dataset/05fe1bbd-1933-4205-851b-a469f915327e/resource/dd1cea62-4c09-43be-a7bb-112dc178a995/download/economics-of-improved-management-practices-for-sugarcane.pdf

This report was completed as part of QDAFs obligations under Action 4 of the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan which aims to ‘increase understanding of farm management practices and systems, economics and water quality benefits’. Specifically it addresses the deliverable to ‘review existing commodity specific management practices and identify the most critical, cost effective and profitable management practices and systems’ with respect to the sugarcane industry in the priority regions of the Wet Tropics, Burdekin and Mackay Whitsundays. growers in the Mackay Whitsunday region.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 7 December 2016
Metadata last updated 7 September 2016
Created 7 September 2016
Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Expiration date07/09/2017
Used in data-driven applicationNO
Has viewsFalse
Package id05fe1bbd-1933-4205-851b-a469f915327e
Size1.3 MiB
Url typeupload