Apprenticeship and Traineeship Brochures
The Department of Trade, Employment, and Training (Apprenticeships Info) offers the following promotional materials for stakeholders of the Queensland apprenticeship and... -
Apprenticeship/Traineeship Training Plan template
Apprenticeship/traineeship Training Plan template for supervising registered training organisations (SRTOs) -
Open Data Strategy — Department of Education
Open data strategy for the Department of Education, listing data collected by the department, and standards for data management. -
CQUniversity Australia - Contract Disclosure Report Jan to Dec 2020
CQUniversity Australia - Contract Disclosure Report 2020-2021 Contracts/Purchases over $10,000.00 -
Coaldrake Review
Review of the future of vocational education, training and skilling in central-western Queensland -
Review of training delivery linked to advertising of vacant positions
Documents relating to the review of training delivery linked to advertising of vacant positions in Queensland by the Queensland Training Ombudsman. -
Open Data Strategy—Non-state Schools Accreditation Board
Open data strategy for the Non-state Schools Accreditation Board, listing data collected by the statutory body, timetables for its release and standards for data management. -
Open data strategy—Queensland College of Teachers
Open data strategy for the Queensland College of Teachers, listing data collected by the statutory body, timetables for its release and standards for data management. -
Open Data Strategy—Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Open Data Strategy for the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, listing data collected by the statutory body, timetables for its release and standards for data... -
Open data strategy - Queensland Universities
Open data strategy for Queensland Universities, listing data collected by the universities, timetables for its release and standards for data management.