Gold Coast Health Nursing Student Clinical Placement
Gold Coast Health offers various opportunities for NURSING students from tertiary and vocational education providers to take part in clinical placements, with support from... -
Food safety auditing
Guidelines, forms and templates for food safety auditors. Read more about Food safety for food businesses -
Gold Coast Health Research Documents
A collection of documents related to the management of research ethics, governance, finance and grants at Gold Coast Health. -
Sunshine Ward information flyer
Information for parents who have a child on the Sunshine Ward. -
WMH Sunshine Ward Food Trolley information flyer
A flyer for parents who have children in the Sunshine Ward at WMH to check what food is available to order -
First Peoples Health Equity Strategy 2022 - 2025 - Cairns and Hinterland...
The delivery of First Nations Health Equity Strategies will ensure that our healthcare system is delivering culturally responsive, adaptive, equitable and appropriate care,... -
West Moreton Health contractor induction resources
Induction information and forms to complete prior to commencing work at a West Moreton Health facility. -
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Board Meeting Summaries
Summary of the key issues discussed and decisions made by the Board . At the commencement of every year, monthly documents will be merged into a single annual edition. -
School Immunisation Program
Consent form and information about vaccines given through the School Immunisation Program. Read more about the School Immunisation Program -
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Gifts and Benefits Register
A disclosure log makes information disclosed to an applicant under the Right to Information Act 2009 (the RTI Act) available to the public. -
Smoking product supplier licensing - Public Health Connect instructions
Instructions to assist businesses in applying for a Smoking Product Supplier License. Please refer to the relevant instruction for the business structure and licence type... -
Children's Health Queensland HHS Service Agreements
Current service agreements and deeds of amendment for the Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service (HHS) -
South West HHS Service Agreements
Current service agreements and deeds of amendment for the South West Hospital and Health Service (HHS) -
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Organisation Structure
The Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service organisation structure details the Divisions and Units by function and operational reporting line. -
Food safety documentation for local government officers
Food safety guidelines for local government officers, and annual local government reports. Find more information about Food safety and food safety regulation for food businesses -
Metro South HHS Service Agreements
Current service agreements and deeds of amendment for the Metro South Hospital and Health Service (HHS) -
West Moreton HHS Service Agreements
Current service agreements and deeds of amendment for the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service (HHS) -
Torres and Cape HHS Service Agreements
Current service agreements and deeds of amendment for the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service (HHS) -
Metro North HHS Service Agreements
Current service agreements and deeds of amendment for the Metro North Hospital and Health Service (HHS) -
Darling Downs HHS Service Agreements
Current service agreements and deeds of amendment for the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service (HHS)