Land Systems of the Nogoa-Belyando area, Central Queensland - ZCQ2
This publication set is a land systems survey of the Nogoa-Belyando area of Central Queensland. The survey area covers 35,000 square miles (90,650 square kilometres) in and... -
Acid sulfate soils of the Yeppoon area, Central Queensland - YAS
This publication set is an acid sulfate soils map for the Yeppoon area of Central Queensland. The survey examined approximately 5,000 hectares of land and mapped it at a... -
Soil survey of the Mareeba-Dimbulah irrigation area, Far North Queensland - MDIA
This publication set is a soil survey of the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Area, Far North Queensland. The study area covers parts of the Atherton and Rumula (7963, 7964)... -
Soil survey of the Boonah-Beaudesert Area, South East Queensland - ZAV
This publication set is a soil survey of the Boonah-Beaudesert area, South East Queensland. The study area covers the entire Harrisville and Bromelton (9442-2 and 9442-3)... -
Landcover change in Queensland 2010–11
The [Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS)] (https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/land/vegetation/mapping/slats/) is a major vegetation monitoring initiative that gathers... -
Soil survey of the Cardwell-Tully-Innisfail Area, Far North Queensland - CWL-CTI
This publication set is a soil survey of the Cardwell-Tully-Innisfail area, Far North Queensland. The study area covers parts of the Ingham and Innisfail (SE55-10, SE55-6)... -
Soil survey of the Goodar Area, Southern Queensland - GDR
This publication set is a soil survey of the Goodar area, Southern Queensland. The study area covers the entire Goodar (8941) 1:100,000 map sheet. Approximately 272,000 hectares... -
Soil survey of the Gundiah-Curra Area, South East Queensland - GCL
This publication set is a soil survey of the Gundiah-Curra area, South East Queensland. The study area covers parts of the Gympie, Woolooga, Gundiah, and Miva (9445-4, 9345-1,... -
Soil survey of the Biloela Research Station, South East Queensland - BLS
This publication set is a soil survey of the Biloela Research Station, South East Queensland. The study area covers part of the Biloela (9049-3) 1:50,000 map sheet.... -
Soil survey of the Westbrook-Highfield-Oakey Area, South East Queensland - EDS
This publication set is a soil survey of the Westbrook-Highfields-Oakey area, South East Queensland. The study area covers parts of the Toowoomba and Oakey (9242, 9243)... -
Acid Sulfate Soils of Tweed Heads to Teewah - South East Queensland - SEA
This publication set describes the acid sulfate soils of the Tweed Heads to Teewah area of South East Queensland. The survey examined approximately 107,200 hectares of land and... -
Land Systems of the Dawson-Fitzroy area, Queensland - ZDD3
This publication set is a land systems survey of the Dawson-Fitzroy area of Central Queensland. The survey area covers 25,000 square miles (64,750 square kilometres), including... -
Soil survey of the Burdekin River Irrigation Area, North Queensland,...
This publication set is a soil survey of the Burdekin River Irrigation Area, Haughton section Stage I, North Queensland. The study area covers parts of the Clare and Giru... -
Soil survey of the Childers Area, South East Queensland - CBW
This publication set is a soil survey of the Childers area, South East Queensland. The study area covers part of the Childers (9347) 1:100,000 map sheet. Approximately 244,250... -
Waggamba Shire Land Management Manual, Southern Queensland - WLM
This publication set describes the soils and land resources for the Waggamba Shire in Southern Queensland. It is part of a series which detail the recommended land management... -
Soil survey of the Mossman-Julatten Area, Far North Queensland - MJA
This publication set is a soil survey of the Mossman-Julatten area, Far North Queensland. The study area covers parts of the Rumula and Mossman (7964 and 7965) 1:100,000 map... -
Murilla, Tara and Chinchilla Shires Land Management Manual, Southern Queensland - MWD
This publication set describes the soils and land resources of Murilla, Tara and Chinchilla shires in Southern Queensland. It is part of a series which detail the recommended... -
Soil survey of the Maryborough-Hervey Bay Area, South East Queensland - MHB
This publication set is a soil survey of the Maryborough-Hervey Bay area, South East Queensland. The study area covers parts of the Maryborough and Pialba (9446, 9447) 1:100,000... -
Soil survey of Utchee Creek Research Sub-station, Far North Queensland - UCS
This publication set describes the soils and agricultural land suitability of the Utchee Creek Research Sub-Station in Far North Queensland. Approximately 267 hectares were... -
Mapping erodible soils in the Burdekin Dry Tropics grazing lands - BDSM
The Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (DSITIA) mapped the soils across the Burdekin Dry Tropics for their inherent vulnerability to erosion...