Local Skills Solutions 2025
Local Skills Solutions is a grant program launched in 2025 to enable more flexible training solutions tailored to the unique skills needs of regional, rural, and remote... -
Employer resource assessment templates
The employer resource assessment (ERA) is completed and retained by the supervising registered training organisation (SRTO) to verify that the employer of an apprentice or... -
Apprenticeship and traineeship operational policies, procedures and guides
Apprenticeship and traineeship operational policies, procedures and guides -
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Forms
How to return completed forms Email Send completed forms to: your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (in Queensland) or apprenticeshipsinfo@qld.gov.au. Mail Post completed... -
Queensland Training Awards - Supporting documents
Eligibility criteria and drafting templates for the 2024 Queensland Training Awards -
Delegation and authorisation instruments
Delegations and authorisations of powers and functions to enable the administration of responsibilities under the Further Education and Training Act 2014 and Further Education... -
Regulator Performance Framework annual report
Reports from the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training for the Queensland Government’s Regulator Performance Framework. -
Apprenticeships Info app - Privacy statement | Terms and conditions
The Apprenticeships Info app provides a digital card and key contact numbers for anyone undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship. It is a free mobile app designed for... -
School Leavers Guide 2025
Updated each year, this guide provides school leavers with useful information on a broad range of industries, careers and vocational education and training options, including... -
Workforce Connect Fund
The Workforce Connect Fund aims to increase investment in industry and community-led projects that address attraction, retention, and participation issues within the workforce. -
Our story, our future annual report
The Our story, our future annual report provides an update on the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training's actions under the 'Our story, our future' Queensland... -
DESBT Customer Complaints Annual Report
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training actively monitors its customer complaints and continues to improve its collection methods. To promote better practice... -
Back to Work Employee Consent Form
Consent form for Back to Work eligible employee -
DESBT Strategic Plans
Our strategic plans outline DESBT's vision, purpose, objectives, strategies and how we will measure our success. -
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Brochures
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training's Apprenticeships Info offers the following brochures and promotional materials for stakeholders of the Queensland... -
Let's protect respect - social media
Respect is changing workplaces for the better. Discrimination, bullying and harassment must have no place in the workplace. Positive action is needed to reinforce behavioural... -
Let's protect respect - pullup banners
Respect is changing workplaces for the better. Discrimination, bullying and harassment must have no place in the workplace. Positive action is needed to reinforce behavioural... -
Let's protect respect - pledge postcards
Respect is changing workplaces for the better. Discrimination, bullying and harassment must have no place in the workplace. Positive action is needed to reinforce behavioural... -
Let's protect respect - flyers
Respect is changing workplaces for the better. Discrimination, bullying and harassment must have no place in the workplace. Positive action is needed to reinforce behavioural... -
Let's protect respect - posters
Respect is changing workplaces for the better. Discrimination, bullying and harassment must have no place in the workplace. Positive action is needed to reinforce behavioural...