Employer resource assessment templates
The employer resource assessment (ERA) is completed and retained by the supervising registered training organisation (SRTO) to verify that the employer of an apprentice or... -
Apprenticeship and traineeship operational policies, procedures and guides
Apprenticeship and traineeship operational policies, procedures and guides -
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Forms
How to return completed forms Email Send completed forms to: your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (in Queensland) or apprenticeshipsinfo@qld.gov.au. Mail Post completed... -
Apprenticeship/Traineeship Training Plan template
Apprenticeship/traineeship Training Plan template for supervising registered training organisations (SRTOs) -
Apprenticeships work for everyone promotional kit
About the campaign We’re excited to launch a new campaign – Apprenticeships Work for Everyone –promoting the benefits of apprenticeships and traineeships to Queenslanders. The... -
Let's protect respect - social media
Respect is changing workplaces for the better. Discrimination, bullying and harassment must have no place in the workplace. Positive action is needed to reinforce behavioural... -
Open data strategy—Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games
Open data strategy for the Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games, listing data collected by the department, timetables for its release...