Executive Summary - BYDC & CYDC Inspection Report, September 2020

URL: https://www.publications.qld.gov.au/dataset/15c205a2-5b6f-4f4f-99c4-013c6cb3d601/resource/93cfcfd0-5729-42c7-bed7-8446680e6043/download/exec_summary_bydc_cydc_september_2020_final_to_dg_for_online_publishing.pdf

This is a joint report of the quarterly statutory inspections of both the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre (YDC) (BYDC) and Cleveland YDC (CYDC). These inspections were conducted under the former Department of Youth Justice which was abolished on 12 November 2020 and is now part of the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs. Statutory detention centre inspections are conducted by delegated Inspectors, located within the Office of the Deputy Director General. This report which covers both inspections, is provided to the Director-General, and contributes to improving YDC operations across both centres. The inspection of CYDC was conducted remotely from 14-18 September 2020 via telephone, Skype and other electronic methods of consultation and data collection due to safety precautions implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Restrictions for professional visits were subsequently lifted, and Inspectors were able to visit CYDC from 28-30 September 2020 to physically observe practice and consult staff and young people in person regarding themes raised during the remote meetings. The inspection of BYDC was delayed due to the COVID-19 recovery commencing late August and continuing throughout September 2020. Once normal operations had resumed, Inspectors conducted an on-site inspection of BYDC from 12-16 October 2020.

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Data last updated 24 February 2021
Metadata last updated 24 February 2021
Created 24 February 2021
Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Expiration date24/02/2022
Used in data-driven applicationNO
Effective date2021-02-24
First pub date2021-02-24
Has viewsFalse
Package id15c205a2-5b6f-4f4f-99c4-013c6cb3d601
Size1.1 KiB
Url typeupload